Reichguard foot knights III
These are our Reichguard foot knights mounted and painted, ready for the kickstarter!
These are our Reichguard foot knights mounted and painted, ready for the kickstarter!
Hispania Wargames 2017 finished last weekend. In the saturday we could see a lots of nice miniatures in the painting competition. Lady Dragon, is an Infinity the game molde presented by Daniel Rueda.
One more painted. This time our Reichgard foot Knight has a great weapon! The Kickstarter is closer and closer!
Hi everybody! We can´t belive it, but finally our firts miniatures project is finished. It was a very hard work, no without problems. We haven´t showed too much until today, because we didn´t ask for your suppor before be sure everything will be ready!
Seraphicus was the Interrogator chaplain of Dark Angels along the Pandorax campaing, in the 959-961.M41 of Warhammer 40.000. This limited edition figured was selling into the Dark vengance box. Giye loved the miniature and he took one for him!
Dwarf armies are so popular in Warhammer Fantasy, and a lots collectos like them because old army look too 80′. Dwarf hammerers protect the heart of his race, the King or Queen of his frotress. Gorko has painted a old unit of Games Workshop Dwarf hammerers for his Warhammer old school army.
When Tau Empire arrived to Warhammer 40.000, Xv88 battlesuit was the most heavy amoured figured that Taus could deployed agains the enemies. Giyes has painted one of this battlesuit, his frist Empire Tau miniature!
In Warhammer fantasy, when dwarven race is under threat, merchands, crafters, miners, brewwers, answer to the call to the arms. Gorko has painted a Dwarf warriors regiment to his dwarven army.
Empire hangunners are a basic unit into Warhammer fantasy. Among all regiments, Ironsides handgunners of Nuln are the most famous. Asdarel has added a regiment of them into his Empire army.
Infinity the game is our last sci fi challenge. We are still painting Operation Ice Storm figures, little by little. This week we have painted The Alguaciles.